When a conflict is likely to compromise the establishment, the maintenance of a tutorship or curatorship system for adults, or even the approval of a protection mandate, the relatives of the person concerned may call on the service from the AMFQ to receive the name of a mediator offering this type of mediation.
The pilot project that had been in place since 2018 has now ended. However, it is still possible to use mediation during a conflict.

This type of mediation will benefit the loved ones of a person of full age who is incapacitated or in the process of being declared unfit.
Participation in mediation is voluntary. If they agree, the person's relatives will then be referred to accredited family mediators who have undergone three-day specialized training in this area. When the condition of the incapacitated person allows, she can participate in the mediation session herself.

For more information, please contact us:
Phone: (514) 990-4011 or 1 (800) 667-7559